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2009 | 3 | 77-104

Article title

Konserwacja zapobiegawcza dziedzictwa archeologicznego : wprowadzenie do problematyki


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ICOMOS Charter for the Protection and Management o f the Archaeological Heritage issued in 1990 can be regarded as the final moment of the long-term process of formation of the belief in the archaeological branch that it is necessary to assign priority to preventive conservation in all actions undertaken towards the authentic substance of archaeological sites and relics. \\ ith regard to archaeological heritage, the strategy of preventive conservation must cover at least (lie implementation of the following rules: 1. Creation of optimum conditions of duration and exposure for the monument (elaboration of the monument protection plan). 2. Non-disturbance of the monument substance (restriction of excavation work to a necessary minimum). 3. Monitoring of the condition of the monument (conservator’s inspections and ensuring that the monument will be cared about by social caretakers of monuments). *+. Intervention in the case of any danger (carrying- -out of minimum required repair activities and legal and administrative interventions). The elaboration of the plan of long-term protection and management of the monument must be a key element of the strateg)7. Such a plan must be based on multidisciplinary scientific research aimed at understanding the fragment of the heritage that is to be covered by the conservation. This understanding covers not only an in-depth knowledge of the monument itself, but also of the historical and contemporary context in which the monument is situated, including th<‘ conditions of natural environment and social attitudes. Only with such a knowledge at our disposal can we elaborate an action plan that will allow us to retain the monument substance of the site, at the same time giving the possibility of I lie widest and most diverse use of monument values that are carried by that site. The article deals with practical problems related to the implementation of such proactive approach to the in situ conservation of architectural relics, such as th<‘ conservation of archaeological sites by refilling them with soil, ensuring of proper humidity and other soil conditions for the given site, impact of plants on the maintenance of archaeological sites, problems arising during the construction of roofs for archaeological sites, or special problems connected with the provision of access to archaeological sites for tourists. The problems discussed in the article lead to the conclusion that preventive conservation consists mainly of planning based on scientific research and anticipation of long-term results of undertaken actions.






Physical description




  • dr hab., archeolog, zabytkoznawca Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk


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