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2012 | 2 | 69-83

Article title

Personalizm praktyczny w ujęciu Wojciecha Słomskiego


Title variants

Practical personalism according to Wojciech Słomski

Languages of publication



One of the practical perspectives of personalism is economic personalism which is characterized, first of all, by adopting rules binding economy to human needs, expectations and capabilities. As a result, economy also becomes a completely different, decidedly more friendly field which is determined by several new conditions. With the help of personalism the individual is able to set his goals, define himself, his needs and establish tasks which he should place.. The feeling of exceptionality, uniqueness, and above all, the role which the given individual plays in the whole surrounding reality is also important here. Additionally, it allows to define characteristic features for the individual, evaluating his strengths and weaknesses, and it also allows to define the way one can improve himself and his achievements as well as develop incessantly and constantly strive for perfection. The fact that the individual is a connection between the material and immaterial world in personalism causes that he can feel exceptionally, he can realize that he is responsible both for himself and the others. Personalism also brings to our attention the necessity of overcoming our own fears against excessive integration and calls not to give our whole independence and integrality for the benefit of the community. It turns out that if the individual gives himself up, his independence and freedom of choice, he might bear numerous consequences which can influence his way of perception of reality, himself and his role in the world.



Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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