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2012 | 899 | 15-26

Article title

Badania zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologicznego powierzchni opakowań z tworzyw sztucznych przeznaczonych do pakowania środków spożywczych

Title variants

Research on Microbiological Contamination of Plastic Packaging Surfaces Intended to Come into Contact with Foodstuffs

Languages of publication



Packaging should not cause potential danger for a user or consumer of a packaged good. One of the basic groups of hazards is biological hazards, among which may be counted microorganisms, mainly saprophyte bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, fungi and yeasts. The main goal of the research for this paper was to state and evaluate the sanitary conditions of packaging materials and packaging made from plastics in different distribution locations. The applied research method, a test on Rodac plates, was done in accordance with specific standard requirements. This method allows the number of general microorganisms, fungi, yeasts and Enterobacteriaceae to be determined. In terms of those numbers, none of the materials received a failing grade. However, the test for Enterobacteriaceae on the tested surfaces proved unsatisfactory. Providing better education in production and distribution hygiene should therefore be considered. It would also be useful to spread awareness and knowledge of BRC/IOP Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials requirements, where the ensurance of hygiene is well recognised. It will also be helpful if the food packaging production and distribution industries embrace the same legal requirements as the food industry. This would mean mandating the introduction and use of GMP, GHP and HACCP systems.


  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Opakowalnictwa Towarów, ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland


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Publication order reference


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