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2010 | 41 | 3 |

Article title

The structure and regulative function of the cognitive styles: a new theory


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The organization of human cognitive styles can be described as a kind of functional system or as an holon. In this framework it is possible to propose a new theoretical base for classifying the primary cognitive styles. The fundamental theoretical thesis is that for all styles there is one common mechanism of forming and scanning the perceptual and memory field induced by the situation, and by the differences in the manner of carrying out the processes of field scanning /codes interfering depend on the range of conceptual equivalency and cognitive control of behavior. In the functional describing of the basic set of cognitive styles we must take into account three elements of the chain: neurobiological modules -> organization of cognitive holon -> behavioral manifestation of styles.






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  • Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Campus in Wroclaw, Poland


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