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2016 | 4 | 81-94

Article title

Religia i nauka w myśli Pierre’a Teilharda de Chardin (1881–1955)

Selected contents from this journal

Title variants

Religion and Science in the Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Works (1881–1955)

Languages of publication



Celem niniejszego tekstu nie jest szczegółowa analiza myśli francuskiego jezuity, ale przypomnienie niektórych jej głównych tez ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nauki i religii. Poświęcam też nieco miejsca ich krytyce. W końcowej części stawiam pytanie, czy tezy te są w jakikolwiek sposób falsyfikowalne.
The aim of the article is a concise presentation of the main traits of the Pierre Teilhard de Chardin thought with special attention to the relationship between religion and science. There is a widely accepted opinion in commentaries to Teilhard that he has done with a far going reconciliation of these domains of culture. He has shown them up as two meridians which do not merge but are bound to converge as they approach the pole. The article also contains a reply to the critique of the Teilhardian thought put forward by some philosophers and biologists: Bertrand Russell, Peter Medawar, Richard Dawkins, Władysław Kunicki–Golfinger and Zdzisława Piątek. Their contention is that a higher consciousness is not superior to the lower, and that evolution has no direction. But how can they explain that people often love to know for its own sake? And why more cerebrated and more conscious creatures appeared in evolution not randomly and not before but always after less conscious ones? Furthermore a question has been raised whether the Teilhard’s system is in some way falsifiable. The answer has been suggested that the remarkable scientific and technological progress and the greatest in the human history wave of globalization, which all took place after his death (1955), seem to confirm his ideas.


  • Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej w Warszawie, ul. Słowackiego 52/54, 01–629 Warszawa.


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