Unikatni epski tekstovi Kapuścińskog prikazuju njegov individualni stil koji je velik izazov za sve prevoditelje. Taj članak predstavlja neke od prevodilačkih rješenja u prevodima „Podróże z Herodotem” Ryszarda Kapuścińskog: srpskom „Putovanja s Herodotom” Biserke Rajčić i engleskom „Travels with Herodotus” Klare Główczewske. Analiza odnosi se prije svega na leksičku razinu teksta i metaforička značenja izabranih fraza.
The unique epic stories written by Kapuściński show his individual style which is the great challenge for all translators. This article represents some of the translation solutions in two translations of the Polish reportage "Podróże z Herodotem" by Ryszard Kapuściński: the Serbian one "Putovanja s Herodotom" by Biserka Rajčić and the English one "Travels with Herodotus" by Klara Główczewska. The analysis is connected mostly with the lexical layer and the metaphorical meaning of chosen phrases.