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2015 | 3 (69) | 47-57

Article title

Udoskonalennya mexanizmu derzhavnoyi pidtrymky energozberezhennya v suchasnyx umovax


Title variants

Specifics of The Introduction of a Mechanism of State Support for Energy Saving in Modern Conditions

Languages of publication



Socio-economic development of Ukraine depends on the rational use of available natural resources, in particular, on the state of energy efficiency. The article analyses the current state of energy-saving technologies in Ukraine, and explores the current system of regulation in this area. It is revealed the need to develop a mechanism for cooperation between the state, private business, and the public on the terms of coordination of interests of all the parties in the implementation of energy efficiency programs. The importance of taking into account the regional features, that permit the use of resources most efficiently, is shown. It is proved that the calculation of the economic efficiency of energy-saving technologies should be based on the principles of investment analysis, taking into account changes in the value of money in time. The promising areas that provide both the improvement of financial performance and the creation of conditions for further sustainable development are revealed, provided the improvements of used technologies, and the coordination of participants in the energy saving.


  • Department of Enterprise Economy, Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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