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2019 | 16 | 31 | 191-208

Article title

Polská a německá versologie z českého pozorovacího stanoviště


Title variants

The Polish and German Theory of Verse, from the Czech Point of View

Languages of publication



The main subject of this text is a description of the Polish and German theory of verse in comparison to the Czech research tradition. It deals in detail with the Polish concept of versification and presents possible reasons for the similarities and differences between Czech and Polish literary theory and practice in this field. The paper also considers other differences that have yet to be systematically investigated, as framed by the comparison of Czech and German theories of verse. A fundamental difference can be found in the use of the category of versification, and in a terminology strongly influenced by the tradition of accentual verse in the German tradition. The text also describes the evolution of versification in German literature from accentual to syllabotonic (accentual-syllabic), in contrast to Czech literature, which evolved from syllabic to syllabotonic versification.


  • Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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