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2010 | 10 - Przestrzeń i granice we współczesnej Afryce | 85-112

Article title

Afryka w klasycznej i współczesnej myśli geopolitycznej



Title variants

Africa in the classic and modern geopolitical thought

Languages of publication



In the article Africa's position in the achievements of the main representatives' geopolitical thought has been described. In the period until 1945 considerations about this continent as an object of expansion were preferred, it was also emphasized Africa's little significance in the context of a lack of sufficient power on the global scale. An interesting exception has been created by Halford Mackinder, who called a major part of Africa "Southern Heartland" - a territory recognized as difficult to conquest and control by sea powers. In the modern geopolitical thought more attention has been paid to marginalization of Africa, what is a consequence of the lack of essential centres of power, economic weakness, and not completely formed separate African civilisation. Another considered aspect was the main lines dividing the continent. They coincide in the high degree with the common division into North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.



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