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2019 | 9 | 156–170

Article title

Depicting Communism for Children: Soviet Era Picture Books, 1920s–1930s



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At the core of my investigation is the process of amalgamation of text and image within the boundaries of the illustrated book for young Soviet readers. As a part of the general desire to translate Communism into idioms and images accessible to children, books visualized ideological norms and goals in a way that guaranteed easy legibility and direct appeal, without sacrificing the political appeal of the message. Illustrated books presented the propagandistic content as a simple narrative or verse, while also casting it in images. A vehicle of ideology, an object of affection, and a product of labor, the illustrated book for the young Soviet reader became an important cultural phenomenon, despite its perceived simplicity and often a minimal set of technical devices.







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  • Illinois Wesleyan University


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