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2012 | 1(13) | 259-267

Article title

Dynamika opisu zjawisk świetlnych w tekstach Bolesława Leśmiana


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Title variants

Dynamics of descriptions of light phenomena in Bolesław Leśmian’s Texts

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The paper discusses the methods of conceptualization of light employed by Bolesław Leśmian and thus contributes to studies on the linguistic picture of the world. It examines the relation between the individual lingustic picture created by the poet and the general picture existing in the linguistic consciousness of an average speaker. Analysed are the dynamics of descriptions of light phenomena, whose complex character is manifested, among others, in the variety of shapes that light assumes in Leśmian’s texts. The author adduces the colloquial metaphor light is a living being which underlies the writer’s detailed metaphors, often greatly expanded, and with an important role in them being played by weak connotations of lexemes.



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