The world, as well as Poland, can pride itself on its numerous achievements in the aspect of development of science, culture and widely perceived civilization. We use many of these ‘achievements’ on a regular basis, mostly without even a single after-thought that they would not have been available to us if we had been born 2–3 generations earlier. At the same time, the contemporary human-beings seem to be unaware of the high prize that they need to pay for the progress of the civilization as — except for its undisputed benefits — it involves certain degree of inevitable dangers. We cannot pretend that they do not exist or that they do not concern us. We all have to face them to different extents. The dangers that are more or less real for the contemporary Poles can be categorized as ecological, climatic (including the floods or catastrophic hurricanes affecting our country, increasing pollution of the natural environment, lack of room for storing waste or burying the dead), social (including the unemployment — especially the long term one; increasing poverty of the society; on the other hand growing bipolarity of the material statuses, increasing secularization of the society that declares itself as the catholic, one which results in depreciation of many values, norms or ideals; eventually discrimination of every kind of difference), civilisational dangers connected with the progress of technology (diseases such as cancer or allergies, information about the armaments or epidemics in the neighbouring countries, increasing number of the transport accidents; preparations for the construction of the nuclear power plants or the fear of the terrorism present in the world); finally the individual dangers which can be described as deviations. The aim of the author was not only to categorize the present dangers, but to define their real and potential consequences both in the social and individual aspect.