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2019 | 1(23) | 121-141

Article title

O motywacji zmian językowych w zakresie fleksji mówionego języka łemkowskiego



Title variants

On the motivation for linguistic changes with regard to inflectional morphology of the spoken Lemko language

Languages of publication



The fact that the Lemko language is placed in the ethnolinguistic Western Slav-ic area next to the Polish language, which is dominant from the sociolinguistic point of view, has had and continues to have a significant impact on its development. Consequently, the Lemko language, similarly to other (Slavic) micro- languages, should be considered susceptible to changes resulting from the im-pact of exogenous factors, which can be observed even on a morphological level, which is generally perceived as particularly resistant to external influ-ences. However, research conducted on the basis of material from the spoken corpus of the Lemko language shows that not all linguistic changes currently taking place in that language have been caused by the impact of Polish.





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  • Institut für Slavistik, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Niemcy


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