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2011 | 1(11) | 241-274

Article title

Teoria nostratyczna i szkoła moskiewska

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The Nostratic Theory and the Moscow School

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The Nostratic Theory, the main directions of its evolution and the Moscow School of Comparative Linguistics are critically presented in this study under the following headings: 1. Preliminaries; 2. Beginnings and Holger Pedersen; 3. Three binary hypotheses; 4. The Moscow School; 5. Reception in Europe; 6. Conclusion. The aim of the present author is not only to show the main lines of the evolution of Nostratics but also to formulate what he personally views as its most characteristic features – now and in the past – and to suggest what questions inevitably have to be answered if some kind of future cooperation of Moscow Nostraticists with non-Nostratic diachronic comparativists is to come into being and take root.



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