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2015 | 3 (7) | 9-29

Article title

Kapitał jako czynnik postępu technicznego – wybrane aspekty


Title variants

Capital as a factor of technological change – some issues

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Models of accumulation show that capital goods have equal productivity and using them goods having similar quality can be produced. However, productivity increases together with technological change and the quality of goods gets higher. Capital accumulation influences technological change and technological change creates terms of new accumulation. Capital and the degree of its utilization have direct influence on technological capabilities of economy creating terms of faster economic development. The role of capital in different periods and economic approach evaluated but it was always a key factor of economic growth. Changes in the structure and character of capital directly decide about the efficiency of technological change reflected in the rate of profits and the level of savings, which influences the level of capital accumulation. High-level accumulation economies can pursue growth based on innovation, others have to find sources of capital gain. It is difficult because in a lot of countries a huge part of capital is wasted by inflation and public debt limiting sectors producing tangible goods. The use of innovation processes needs more widely capital resources. It may be accomplished through the reduction of constraints and the costs of raising and holding capital.





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