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2021 | 19 | 463-476

Article title

Językowy obraz świata w języku niemieckim i polskim na przykładzie związków frazeologicznych wyrażających agresję


Title variants

A Linguistic Image of the World in German and Polish Language on Example of Idiomatic Expressions about Aggression

Languages of publication



The term aggression is very often defined in scientific research. Expression of aggression, both linguistic and extra-linguistic, its evaluation and many others are still controversial. Indirect aggression is most common in everyday communication, but certain behaviors and language resources have aggressive characteristics. Phraseologisms form a special group. The question in the analysis therefore includes the following aspects: What means of expression does the language offer to the speakers? (vulgarisms, idioms) Which aspects can be expressed using these linguistic means? (beatings, threats, restriction of freedom) What differences are there between German and Polish in this respect? And are there any? The analysis focuses on German and Polish idioms that express aggression. During the analysis, I will present their division, and I will focus on the phraseological components that are characteristic of particular types of aggression. The comparative analysis will allow me to make conclusions on the verbalization of aggression in both languages and will provide insight into the linguistic image of the world of both cultures. The results of the analysis point to the asymmetry between the linguistic image of the world in German and Polish in the area of aggression expressed using idioms. One can find semantically matching idioms in both analyzed languages, the components of which are both convergent and different. In addition, emotionally marked examples can be distinguished, which illustrate the aggressive character of the analyzed units.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław


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