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2023 | 4 (384) | 81-105

Article title

Sprawczość kompetencyjna zastępcy notarialnego

Title variants

Competence agency of an assistant notary
Handlungsvermögen des stellvertretenden Notars

Languages of publication



Regardless of the procedure for appointment as a notary public and the determination of the seat of his office by the Minister of Justice, with the possibility of appeal against the above administrative decision to the Administrative Court, the 2013 amendment to the Law on Notaries provided for a new position of deputy notary public with the possibility of appointment as a notary public. A separate procedure for obtaining the status of a deputy notary is provided for in Articles 76 and 76a of the Notary Act, as amended by Article 14a of the 1991 Act. The subject of this article is a legal analysis of the above amendments to the Law on Notaries. A deputy obtains the authority to perform notarial acts in various ways, including by agreement with the notary who holds the office or by appointment by the chairman of the council of the chamber of notaries or by decision of the council of the chamber of notaries itself (art. 22 pr. o not.).






Physical description


  • emerytowany profesor zwyczajny UMCS w Lublinie
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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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