The focus of this analysis is the verb wziąć (“take”) in Polish in patterns such as wział I umarł; weź przestań (lit. He took and died; Take, stop it!), in which the verb co-occurs with another inflected verb. Premised upon the methodological claims of Construction Grammar (Goldberg 1995), the analysis leads to the conclusion that the intriguing syntactic patterns are indeed lexicalizations of a construction and are semantically motivated. It is claimed that both verbs co-lexicalize a single event and that the semantic import of the wziąć component is gone, bleached in the process of grammaticalization. As it is suggested in the analysis, the verb wziąć encodes only the onset in a series of the sequentially scanned configurations making up one single event (Langacker 1997). Such an arrangement of the scene of the conceptualized event motivates both the specific syntactic realization of the construction and its characteristic meaning.