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2020 | 30 | 1 | 67-84

Article title

Application of fuzzy programming techniques to solve solid transportation problem with additional constraints


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An innovative, real-life solid transportation problem is explained in a non-linear form. As in real life, the total transportation cost depends on the procurement process or type of the items and the distance of transportation. Besides, an impurity constraint is considered here. The proposed model is formed with fuzzy imprecise nature. Such an interesting model is optimised through two different fuzzy programming techniques and fractional programming methods, using LINGO-14.0 tools followed by the generalized gradient method. Finally, the model is discussed concerning these two different methods.








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  • Department of Mathematics, Midnapore College (Autonomous), Midnapore, West Bengal-721101, India
  • Department of Computer Science, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal-721102, India


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