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2017 | 3(67) | 168-178

Article title


Title variants

About the mechanism of activation of the cognitive space of the individual in the thought process.

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The articleis dedicatedto the mechanisms of cognitive process from the viewpoint of neurodynamic concepts. The concept of neurodynamic processes is studying the modes of localization, synchronization, stabilization of metastable chaotic structures in the reticular formation neural network. Such dynamics characterizes the process of the formation of the models of the mental images in a neural network of the brain. The articleuses the assumption that the functional metastable structures in the phase space of the neural network are the model representations of mental images. Each metastable state corresponds to the certain mental image. It is noted that the relaxation process of the system triggers the process of reflection of the metastable structures of the model presentations of the mental images as the functional mod in the cognitive space. The metastable structure of the phase space of states is a model representation of the image. Cognitive space of the model representations of the images is defined as the phase space of the functional mod. The articleargues that functional regime forms the static manifold in the phase space as part of the cognitive space of the memory. The mechanism of the influence of the functional modes on the formation of the model representations is investigated. The articleidentifies the mechanism for creating of the model representations of the image of the chaotic nature of time variation of the parameters of the system. The author believes that the unpredictable mental images in the cognitive space should be interpreted as the elements of metacognition in the processes of students’ thinking. The detailed study of the mechanisms of formation and development of the cognitive space of the memory, as the subsets of the phase states, will give the new impulse in the understanding of approaches to the development of students’ thinking in the process of mathematical and professional training. The emergence of the elements of the metacognition in the processes of thinking stimulates cognitive system of the individual to further development, increasing mathematical and professional culture.


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Publication order reference

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