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2014 | 1(5) | 45-60

Article title

Genethliakόn – a Religious and Humanistic Poem-Song in Commemoration of Life or Rhetorical Approbation of Poetry?



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The main idea of this article is to present the genre called genethliakón from its origins in Antiquity to the modern times. The paper contains an analysis of several works in ancient Greek and Latin, which shows how widespread this literary genre was at that that time. This analysis contradicts the views of some scholars who claim that genethliakón evolved only in the Renaissance and the Baroque period. The motifs of birthday works are repeatedly used through the centuries, and the most important one seems to connect the birth of poetry with the tutelary deity. Modern genethliakón refers to different traditions: the Christian and the Greek of the Hellenistic era.


  • The Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw in Poland


  • Radke Anna Elisa, Genethliacón Joannae Rostropowicz septuagenariae dedicatum, Marburg 2013 pp. 2.
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  • Anthologia Graeca, Hermann Beckby (Hrsg.), Aufl. Heimeran Verlag, München 1965, b. 1- 6. pp. 675.
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  • Lucian with an English Translation by A. M. Harmon, Wiliam Heinemann LTD, London-Cambridge 1961, 441 pp.
  • Morawski Kazimierz, Zarys literatury rzymskiej, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Warszawa 1922, pp. 412.
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