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2014 | 13 | 199-209

Article title

Przymiotniki barwny, bezbarwny, kolorowy w historii języka polskiego


Title variants

Adjectives barwny (colourful), bezbarwny (colourless), kolorowy (high-coloured) in the history of Polish language

Languages of publication



The aim of the article is to show the development of adjectives barwny (colourful), bezbarwny (colourless), kolorowy (high-coloured) in the history of Polish language as well as to conduct the analysis of the changes that has occurred in the meaning of these words throughout the years. The scrutiny shows that the meaning of the first lexeme is stable in Polish language, with literal meaning prevailing. The original meanings of remaining adjectives in question referred to sensual impressions, therefore to occurrence of colour or its lack, with time in parallel to them transited meanings were preserved and these dominate in the contemporary Polish language. Barwny (colourful) today means the same as wyrazisty (sharp), ciekawy (intriguing), interesujący (interesting) and bezbarwny (colourless) is niewidoczny (invisible), mdły (bland), nieciekawy (uninteresting), niewarty uwagi (not noteworthy).


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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