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2021 | 6 (362) | 24-43

Article title

Charakter prawny uznania niewłaściwego przerywającego bieg terminu przedawnienia roszczenia

Title variants

The legal nature of wrong recognition that interrupts the period of limitation for claims
Der juristische Charakter der falschen Anerkenntnis, die Anspruchsverjährungsfrist unterbricht

Languages of publication



The subject of this publication is to determine the legal nature of the recognition of an incorrect claim resulting in legal effects in the form of interruption of the limitation period. The contentious issue in doctrine and case-law is whether improper recognition leading to the interruption of the limitation period is a declaration of will or knowledge? The analyzed issues are not only theoretical, but above all practical. Namely, adopting the view that improper recognition is a declaration of will, for the effectiveness of a declaration of will in the form of improper recognition interrupting the limitation period it would be necessary for it to meet the conditions for declarations of will (i.e. provisions regarding ability legal transactions; representation of natural and legal persons; forms of legal transactions; defects of declarations of intent). Thus, the provisions on declarations of intent should be applied to such declarations directly. On the other hand, adopting a different position would lead to the application of the incorrect provisions of declarations of intent to this recognition only accordingly (arg. From Article 651 of the Act of 23.04.1964 - Civil Code).






Physical description


  • doktorant w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych, Prawo Cywilne i Prawo Prywatne Międzynarodowe, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach


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Publication order reference


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