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2012 | 36 | 77-91

Article title

Zur didaktischen Konzeption von Stufen 3, Moment mal 2 und Mittelpunkt B2, C1 im Lichte der universalistischen und relativistischen Theorien



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The essence of the presented article is the analysis of four textbooks for teaching the German language which looks into typical elements of German culture as well as cultural universals. The analysis of the following textbooks: Stufen 3, Moment Mal 2, Mittelpunkt B2 and Mittelpunkt C1 has indicated that older ones (more than 10 years older) devoted more attention to typical German culture phenomena and culturally conditioned Polish-German differences than the most recent textbooks where universal areas of reality have been accepted, e.g. travelling, professional life, means of payment, environmental protection. Moreover, new phenomena such as globalization, internationalization, cloning and genetically modified food were mentioned in the textbooks published in 2008.


  • The State School of Higher Education Sandomierz, Poland


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