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2010 | 3 | 149-166

Article title

Typologia dialogu

Title variants

The dialogue typology

Languages of publication



Research on the typology of dialogue, although carried out for many years, is still at the preliminary stage. There have been many different proposals for a classification of dialogues from the perspective of linguistics, philosophy of language and literature. Various criteria were taken into account, such as dialogue topic, dialogue context, the number of interlocutors, their relationships, their intentions, etc., which allowed to distinguish different types of dialogues such as dialogues with the participation of two persons, shared dialogues, dialogues between equal status participants and unequal status participants, single issue and cross-thematic dialogues, private dialogues, public dialogues, etc., though it did not develop a coherent proposal for distribution of the dialogues (conversations), and a typology of dialogues still remains an open area to explore. Researchers acknowledge that attempts to create a typology of dialogues in relation to the same criteria encounter many difficulties because some of the conversations have rather complex internal structure. You cannot always use the same criteria for the classification of dialogues for a given area (e.g. public, professional, private). Other criteria must be applied, for example, in relation to the trade negotiations, some other for private conversations.






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  • Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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