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2014 | 5(39) | 312-320

Article title


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Intensification of the process of teaching mathematics by means of distance interaction

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The article describes the advantages of interactive teacher’s interaction with students through information communication networks. Various possibilities of distance interaction between the teacher and the students in distance learning system Moodle that increase the efficiency of the educational process are considered. These features include: posting online in remote access theoretical material in the form of charts and tables, presentation support, additional material, diagnostic tests and remote consultations. The structure and content of the resource, control and diagnostic modules and interactive electronic teaching materials placed in the system Moodle, developed under the branch scientific and technical program «E-learning resources» are described. It is noted that the use of open education technologies, the introduction of interaction between teachers and students through information and communication networks is the most promising option for modern education. Integration of remote and full-time study will ensure students’ adaptation to the conditions of modern educational environment; will allow the teacher to remotely interact with the students and to simplify the organization of individual work at all stages of learning. Distance learning, which accompanies and complements the full-time, has benefits for all the participants of the educational process. The teacher deliberately conveys to the students the information that is necessary for their training and development at the moment. Without compromising the quality of knowledge increases the amount of transmission of educational information. Students will develop study skills, choosing a free mode. All the participants of the educational process through diagnostic tests have the ability to track learning outcomes and promptly correct knowledge. The integration of remote and full-time training is very promising in the part of wider use of the student component, the creation of individual educational trajectories, particularly in the III stage of the general secondary education. Classroom system, as it exists, is difficult for an in-depth study of the subject, and does not provide the possibility of more serious research problems. A good option is to transfer to distance forms, including possible forms of testing, monitoring, consultation a large part of the material that do not require much intellectual effort to understand it.


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