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2011 | 12 - Problemy bogactwa i biedy we współczesnej Afryce | 393-413

Article title

O afrykańskim stanie rzeczy. Analiza teorii systemu autorstwa Paulina J. Hountondji'ego


Title variants

On the condition of African societies and atates. An analysis of the system theory proposed by Paulin J. Hountondji

Languages of publication



This article treats on the system theory proposed by a Beninese philosopher Paulin J. Hountondji to explain in part a bad condition of African societies and states. According to Hountondji a socio- political state of affairs in a typical African state is characterized by a serious malfunction of state institutions and highly imperfect organization of day-to-day life of Africans. Hountondji criticizes numerous shortcomings of life in African states, including institutional inertia, senseless activities, waste of time, energy, and health of Africans. The Beninese philosopher is looking for some hidden, system basis for the mentioned characteristics. The aim of this article is to describe Hountondji's views, underline their value, but also analyze them in a critical way.


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