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2011 | 12 - Problemy bogactwa i biedy we współczesnej Afryce | 109-125

Article title

Ubóstwo Afryki jako wyzwanie dla etyków stosunków miedzynarodowych



Title variants

Poverty in Africa as a challenge for ethics in international relations

Languages of publication



The problem of ethics in international relations is as old as the hills. Moral arguments can mobilize governments and people or prevent somebody from doing something. For the pope John Paul II ethics is „the safeguard of all that is human in any system" and this definition could be useful also to the system of international relations. Answer to the question why Africa hasn't taken advantage of fifty years of independence and is staying out of mainstream of globalization and what should be done to change this situation is rather complex. However, there could be found three groups of answers from ethical point of view which eventually have much to do with each other. One can argue that the most important factor responsible for Africa's current situation is colonialism and neocolonialism, the European domination and the exportation of black slaves from continent. Therefore nowadays rich countries should enlarge their financial help for Africa as a compensation. The argument from another point of view says that the main responsibility is in African culture and tradition and the enlargement of financial help may only make things worse. Africans should take their fate into their hands. There is also the Catholic Church's standpoint, well- known thanks to the Holy See's position in international relations. This point of view combines both above-mentioned and puts emphasis on reconciliation as a starting point to all indispensable changes.



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