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2015 | 4 (50) | 170-183

Article title

Analiza motywacji mobilności edukacyjnej studentów w Polsce i w Rosji z wykorzystaniem analizy skupień


Title variants

Analysis of motivation of students’ educational mobility for chosen universities in Poland and Russia - clustering analysis approach

Languages of publication



Mobility of students plays a major role in developing creativity, active citizenship and chances of employment − especially in the face of labour market globalization. The article refers to the chosen area of research on students, in the context of determinants of students educational mobility. The purpose of research was to explore determinants of educational mobility, to reveal common features and differences in motivations and attitudes of students and to elaborate preliminary recommendations for universities taking part in international educational programmes. Observations of the authors of the present article push the suppositions that motives students are guided by taking decisions about participating in mobility educational programmes often deviate from those planned in official documents.University teachers from other countries report similar observations. The authors decided initially to examine those motives which Polish and Russian young people are led by when choosing foreign educational path, carried out in the frames of academic mobility programmes. The material for analysis comes from examinations which started in the end of April 2015. The cluster analysis was used.



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