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2019 | 3(42) | 109-129

Article title

The metaphorization phenomenon in the English literature texts. Actualization of the time concept through the metaphorical realization process



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This article is a result of the analysis of metaphorization process and actualization of the TIME concept in the English literature texts. The analysis has been made from different perspectives such as: historical, lexical and semantic. All the results of the article are closely related to our dissertation and based on many scientific works dedicated to the similar linguistic topics. Purpose. The purpose of the article is a more precise study of the TIME concept and its metaphorization in the English literature texts. It is very important to understand the historical formation of the process as well as its correlation with lexical and semantic aspects of the linguistic. Methods. The first method of the research is the comparative analysis of different linguists’ statement about such a phenomenon as metaphor or metaphorization. The second method is the descriptive analysis of the historical background of the TIME concept formation. The third method is the analysis of the English literature texts in order to find some lexical, semantic, stylistic, pragmatic, syntactic, linguistic and psycholinguistic patterns for the TIME concept metaphorization in this kind of texts. Results. Specific metaphor properties are the reason why a very important role in a language is dedicated to the metaphor. Language embodiment of new concepts and a creation of new linguistic manners is a direct consequence of the metaphorization process. Certain linguistic forms are a place of a realization of cognitive reality images. These images are based on a metaphorical transference. The development of the TIME concept part named as time calculation had started in early English period (XIV – XV centuries). The TIME concept has been The metaphorization phenomenon in the English literature texts. Actualization of the time concept through the metaphorical realization process metaphorically realized very differently. The metaphorization depends on the period of the English history. Modern metaphorical realization of the TIME concept has changed many times but the basic metaphorical associations remained non deformed. There are prepositions which classified by the agentic / non-agentic feature. It’s been made in order to understand time properties and in order to find correlation between the TIME concept and other aspects of the textual reality. The analysis of the chosen material has led to the distinction of five predicate groups such as: activity, location, status, quality and process. The classification of the prepositions was made in the research. They were distinguished according to the predicates. As a result models of the TIME concept description have been made. It proofs the fact that the TIME concept might be realized as the agentive, objective and dative. The using of the ‘time’ lexeme as a living initiator of the action is syntactically reasoned. This action causes the personification of time in the English culture.





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  • National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine


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