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2015 | 2 (68) | 93-102

Article title

Porivnyalnyj analiz tendencij rozvytku dystancijnyx texnologij navchannya v Ukrayini ta YeS

Title variants

Comparison Analysis the Trends of the Development the Distance Learning in Ukraine and EU

Languages of publication



The development and using of the modern information technologies in the higher education are caused by the transformation of the information society and the higher temps of society’s information. In the article the foreign and national experience of the distance learning are reviewed by authors. Besides, the implementation of the distance learning and their attitude to the distance learning are analyzed. Moreover the national legislative regulation is analyzed and systematized. The authors systematized the main advantages and disadvantages of the distance learning for the university and the future students. The authors highlighted the distance learning is a perspective way to develop the students’ academic mobility.


  • Department of Economics and Business-Administration, Sumy State University


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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