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2017 | 21 | 23-37

Article title

Czy zagadkowy dysk z Fajstos w istocie zawiera odciśnięty w glinie zapis tekstu w pewnym języku naturalnym?



Title variants

Does the mysterious Phaistos disc really contain some natural language text stamped in the clay?

Languages of publication



The famous Phaistos Disc is an artifact that was found by the Italian archeologist L. Pernier in 1908 during the excavations in Crete. In the common opinion the Phaistos Disc contains a natural language text written with the use of some kind of a syllabic script. In order to test this assumption, a statistical analysis of the distribution of words’ length of the Phaistos Disc was conducted. It proved that the A side and the B side of the Phaistos Disc differ considerably from each other. A comparison of the Phaistos disc inscription with the samples from modern Hebrew texts shows that such differences are not typical in the case of natural language texts in syllabic scripts. The findings suggest that it is highly possible that the Phaistos Disc does not contain any natural language text at all.






Physical description




  • AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza


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Document Type

Publication order reference



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