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2014 | 179 | 225-235

Article title

Znaczenie świadczeń pomocy społecznej dla beneficjentów MOPR na przykładzie Poznania


Title variants

The Importance of Social Welfare for MOPR Beneficiaries on the Example of Poznań

Languages of publication



The article discusses the judgments of MOPR beneficiaries in Poznan concerning social service and subjectively implied poverty in the context of such phenomenon as social marginalization. Main factors determining the necessity of applying for a benefit have been surveyed. Various forms of help and their dimensions have been introduced and also the significance of beneficiaries' help and expectations towards special institutions have been taken into consideration. It was questioned whether the help they receive allows to improve their own living conditions. Also the attention was paid to several ways of depriving people of opportunities to satisfy their needs. Among the reasons for exclusion the most important factors are: lack of sufficient income, inadequate education to fit market expectations, and lack of work. It was noted that the main reason for the marginalization is not only the lack of goods, but also the absence of opportunities to influence their own lives and insufficient participation in the socio-economic life.






Physical description



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Document Type

Publication order reference



YADDA identifier

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