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2014 | 179 | 41-50

Article title

Mit państwa dobrobytu? Próba analizy porównawczej Finlandii oraz Polski


Title variants

The Myth of the Welfare State? Attempt a Comparative Analysis of Finland and Poland

Languages of publication



Many scientists wondered: whether Poland can become a welfare state, despite the choice of a market economy. At work I put the hypothesis that Poland has not created the idea of the welfare state. It is worth mentioning the main features of the welfare state. These are: cost - free, universality and public character. Implementation of these features, as well as specific principles such as social justice, protection of labor, health care model, model of education show whether the state is realizing the ideas of welfare state, or not. The study compares Polish achievements and Finnish ones - country which, despite difficult historical experience, consistently implementing the ideas of welfare state. Also an important aspect is social identity and social acceptance of changes that take place, depending on the model of the economy. Polish experience show that the welfare state was not a real idea, but rather a myth, in which has been believed. Years of transition pointed out that attempt to create a welfare state in the current situation is hardly ever real.






Physical description



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Document Type

Publication order reference



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