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2017 | 24 | 149-163

Article title

Sprawiedliwość językowa w prawie środowiska: ludy tubylcze a narody Unii Europejskiej


Title variants

Linguistic justice in environmental law: the indigenous peoples and the nations of the European Union

Languages of publication



One of the conditions for the effectiveness of guarantees attributed to peoples by international environmental law is their proper communication aimed at enabling these peoples to participate in the management of public affairs. The essence of communication with indigenous peoples is to obtain their consent to undertake operations that may carry a risk of harm to the environment. Communication with the EU nations takes place, on the other hand, by means of the EU secondary legislation. Although the subject in each of these cases is the peoples, and the purpose – conservation of the environment, different conceptual tools and methods of action apply. It is therefore reasonable to answer the question as to how these tools and methods enrich or limit the realization of claims in the linguistic aspect. The purpose of the paper is to reconstruct the assumptions about how to communicate with the peoples and to explore the conceptual framework that determines the concept of linguistic justice in international environmental law.






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