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2012 | 13 - "Stare" i "nowe" mocarstwa w Afryce - stygmaty kulturowe, religijne, polityczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne | 133-181

Article title

Wielka Brytania w afrykańskiej rzeczywistości międzynarodowej przełomu XX i XXI wieku (1990-2007)


Title variants

The United Kingdom in Africa's international reality at the turn of the 20th and 21st century (1990-2007)

Languages of publication



Among the conditions which have shaped the relations between the European countries and Africa the ones worth mentioning are tradition and historical ties linking Europe with its former colonies. The process of colonisation, as well as decolonisation, and the postcolonial era have permanently tied African countries with the Old Continent. The two European countries which are most interested in developing cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa are the United Kingdom and France - the two biggest colonial states in Africa. At the beginning of the last century, before the independence of Egypt, London controlled the largest part of Africa (36.5%), as well as Sub-Saharan Africa (41.5%); whereas France was on the second place, with 35% of the whole African continent and 28.6% of the Sub-Saharan part. The aim of this article is to present the policy of the UK towards Africa, its determinants and the role of historical factors in mutual relations, as well as the main directions of the British policy towards Africa - its main principles, aims and progress. The article focuses mainly on the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, and on the rule of John Major and Tony Blair, i.e. 1990-2007.


  • Centrum Europejskie Uniwersytet Warszawski


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