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2014 | 4(30) | 105-114

Article title

The Metaphor in the Public (Political) Discourse in the Macedonian Language at the Time of Elections

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Cognitive linguistic researches basically place metaphors as tool and as a cognitive ability to join the motivation and the real message they convey on one hand, and the textual analysis which serves to view metaphor as a result of the cultural and communication experience in expressing attitudes motivated by previously acquired knowledge. The use of the conceptual and conventional metaphor expressions in the public (political) discourse through examples in the Macedonian language portrays the conceptual integration as an inevitable approach in the interpretation of the metaphor in a minimal context. The examples of metaphors are increasingly present at time of elections. What is characteristic of the Macedonian political discourse is that during the last six years there is continuity in the dynamics. The appearance of the metaphors is integrated within the rhetoric strategy, which appears to be effective. There is a selection and a qualitative analysis of the metaphors in the Macedonian language which are used in the public (political) discourse.


  • University “Sts. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje


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