The sensual nature of A.A. Fet’s lyrics was recognized by his contemporaries. In 1856 V.P. Botkin detected a special “sound” in his poems, that seemed to be a feeling of festivity. In the context of the suggested theme we can distinguish sense-concept “praise of youth” in the sensual layer of poet’s lyrics, which appears in a series of signs. Youth with its sensual content (delight, excitement, inconstancy, sincerity, impetuosity) is an important life value for Fet, which he stands for throughout his creative development, up to his most recent works. “The raise of youth” does not depend on the object that provokes the feelings, although contextually it mostly depends on natural phenomena. Unlike the lyrics of 40s and 50s, “the raise of youth” is estimated and conceptualized during the period of “Evening Lights.” Detection of established sense-concept in the lyrics of Fet contributes to the actualization of the features of his poetry that are combined with the search of the 20th century poets. This approach gives a new, sensual dimension to the romantic poeticisms, attributes new meanings to words, reveals a fine sense of the connection between the human being and the world.