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2014 | 26 | 271-278

Article title

Patrząc z ukosa na ponowoczesność. Perspektywa kresu człowieka



Title variants

Looking Sideways at Postmodernity. The Perspective of an End to End Human Being

Languages of publication



The theme of man’s death is one of the main slogans of postmodernity. This article presents a few selected reflections in the contemporary philosophy on posthuman condition. The presented analysis shows that even though postmodernism announced the transgression of man, in a human being there will always remain the mysterious element, which is impossible to eliminate, because it would mean the end of any language. Equating man with nothingness does not mean that postmodernism is not longer interested in the subject (despite breaking with it).



  • Mgr Michał Sikora – Zakład Historii Filozofii Nowożytnej iWspółczesnej, Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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Document Type

Publication order reference


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