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2011 | 17 | 137-145

Article title

Brnąc przez dżunglę przypisów, czyli słów kilka o polskim przekładzie Legend Gwatemalskich Miguela Ángela Astúriasa


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Wading through the jungle of footnotes; a few comments on the Polish translation of Miguel Ángel Astúrias’s Guatemalan legends

Languages of publication



The article discusses the Polish translation of Miguel Ángel Astúrias’s (a Guatemalan Noble prizewinner) debut work. The author pays special attention to the dual character of the text (on the one hand, poetic, on the other, chronicle), the problems it poses for the translator, and its influence on the presence of informative, metalinguistic and commercial paratexts and, following on from that, deals with the role of the afterword and endnotes that can be found in the text.






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  • Uniwersytet Łódzki


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