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2020 | 2 | 61-90

Article title

Analysis of EU Membership in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) as a Specific Model for EU Relations with International Intergovernmental Organizations


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The article falls into the complicated and only partially analysed issues related to the essence of relations between international intergovernmental organizations. Against a background of the typology taking into account the scope and nature of EU representation in international intergovernmental organizations, it addresses the most important issues related to the essence of relations between the EC/EU and NAFO. Therefore, it discusses such matters as: the evolution of NAFO in the years 1979–2017, the nature of EU membership in NAFO, matters related to the representation and implementation of EC/EU interests on NAFO forum, as well as the system of internal coordination of EU activities in connection with its membership in this organization.






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