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2017 | 24 | 95-107

Article title

Język aktów prawnych a ekskluzja społeczna imigrantów w sytuacji nieregularnej


Title variants

Language of normative acts and social exclusion of immigrants in irregular situation

Languages of publication



The article analyses relationship between language of normative acts and situation of irregular immigrants. This case study will be limited to three elements that seem most characteristic and representative of the situation where the law becomes an instrument of social exclusion – namely: stigmatization, categorization and euphemism. In this context will be presented problem of use in the text of legal acts terms such as: "illegal immigrant" or “prohibited immigrant” or “illegal alien”. This terminology is not only stigmatizing, but dehumanize and categorize migrants as dangerous people. Additionally this issue should be viewed in strict connection with growing number of penal sanctions in the field of migration law. In this way, the perception of irregular immigrants is shaped by the use of criminal terminology negative climate and language of “war with irregular migration”, which were present in many official texts. The second side of this mechanism is application of euphemistic terminology as regard to coercive measures especially to immigration detention. It is noteworthy to mention about differences between actual situation of detained migrants and names of detention centers, suggesting that foreigners stay there in freedom conditions.






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