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2017 | 13. Uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorczości | 439-457

Article title

Spatial Differentiation of Educational Outcomes at Junior High and High School in the Region of Małopolska in a Historical Perspective


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Uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorczości

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The term “institution” refers to the collection of certain practices and principles that are part of everyday social life. This set of accepted norms and rules of behaviour in communities of different territorial units is usually associated with their history and institutions operating on their territory. Today it is believed that the relational and social capital primarily determine the potential economic development of a territorial unit. In the knowledge economy, particular attention is focused on qualified staff. Therefore, a robust and efficient educational system remains an essential element of economic development. Respect for science and knowledge in a given society, not only by its usefulness, is one of the conditions of its evolution. The region of Małopolska was deprived of universal primary education until the times of the Galician autonomy. The school allowed not only professional career but also ensured social advancement. Małopolska shows significant spatial variations at the level of education. Kraków has remained the strongest centre of education for centuries, with an extensive participation of Tarnów and Nowy Sącz. In spatial terms, better education was recorded in the north-west of the region and around Kraków. However, in recent years a noticeable growth of education in the peripheries has been observed. Examples include high schools located around Kraków, which is associated with sub-urbanisation and an increase in the quality of education in closed centres (e.g. Piekary), or local centres of education (e.g. Rabka-Zdrój). The largest increase in knowledge according to the Education Value Added occurs in schools located peripherally.



  • Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej


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