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2019 | 12 | 295-310

Article title

Relevance of interdisciplinary approach in humanities: The Thing. Conceptual and Cultural Aspects (2018) as an example of cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural research


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The purpose of this article is to discuss the merits of interdisciplinary research in the humanities. The discussion is conducted on the example of the volume entitled The Thing. Conceptual and Cultural Aspects, edited by Teresa Dobrzyńskaand Raya Kuncheva (2018). The volume approaches the issues of perception and presence of material objects in the linguistic picture of the world, viewed from the perspective of various humanistic disciplines, such as philosophy, semiotics, linguistics and literature. This interdisciplinary research is also cross-cultural in character, being the result of the studies of Bulgarian, Polish and Slovenian scholars from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the New Bulgarian University, the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. This effective mode of research provides a common ground for discussion and opens the space for dialogue between respective scholars, the disciplines they represent and the readers, going beyond the limitations of specific research areas and producing an overall picture of the object.



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