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2014 | 76 | 3 | 341-357

Article title

Późnoromańska kadzielnica z Jamielnika

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Late Romanesque Censer from Jamielnik

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The late-Romanesque censer kept at the Nowe Miasto District Museum in Nowe Miasto Lubawskie was found in a peat bog near the village of Jamielnik and may have been used in the local, currently non-extant church. The historic artifact, due to its main body being composed of two cups of the rims diameter narrower than the bowl, ranks among the typological family of lidded goblets used in the Middle Ages and defined as scyphus. In its form and decoration it features Oriental influences. The comparative investigation, as well as stylistic and technical analysis allow to date it to the 3 rd or the 4 th quarter of the 13 th century at the latest








Physical description



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