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2015 | 2 (48) | 53-66

Article title

Badanie opinii polskich pracodawców o umiejętnościach absolwentów szkół wyższych z wykorzystaniem technik wizualizacyjnych


Title variants

Evaluation of Polish employers’ opinions about the competences of higher education graduates with the use of visualization techniques

Languages of publication



The main objective of this article is to present the patterns of Polish employers’ perception of competences of higher education graduates in the context of labor market needs. The analyzes are carried out on the basis of survey data collected and made available by the Flash Eurobarometer. Since the set of variables under consideration contains only non-metric data, some selected visualization techniques (fluctuation diagrams, relative multiple barcharts) are applied to identify the regularities. Categorical principal components analysis and its graphical representation are used to analyze the interdependences among the considered competences. The results indicate that Polish employers evaluate the skills of the graduates rather positively, but they also recognize the competency gaps in various areas.



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