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2016 | 31 | 27-43

Article title

Jeden istnieje tylko model...


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There is only one model…

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The article seeks to explore factors behind the diversification and contradictory nature of existing approaches to translation. We also attempt to establish a research perspective which would be instrumental in unravelling some universal mechanisms underlying the development of theories of translation and would help to look through the multifaceted spectrum of translation theories in order to find traits that they all seem to share. As an interpretive instrument we used the dialectics, with her typical “duality of orientation: towards unity and towards division”. Such a point of reference for our explorations is a result of fact, that the answers of the fundamental questions that theories of translation (or particular tendencies therein) ask are contradictory. From our point of view this situation is connected with the dialectic nature of translation itself and with the oppositions between elements of translation chain and between such factors as langue and culture. We discussed several dialectical moments and oppositions.






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  • Uniwersytet Warszawski


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