In the upbringing process unusually essential are parents’ attitudes towards their children. Attitudes result from the relation of three basic components: cognitive, affective and behavioural. The parental attitude - maternal or paternal - is a tendency to manifest a specific (verbal or non - verbal) behaviour towards their child, construing and thinking about him in a definite way. So in the consequence of this attitude the child is perceived, assessed and treated by mother or father as the assumed attitude conditions it. One can divide parental attitudes into two following groups: these which are recommended for the child’s harmonious development (acceptance, cooperation, giving him age-appropriate freedom, acknowledgement of his rights) and the ones which can contribute to the rise of disorders in the child’s development (attitudes: avoiding, rejecting, excessively demanding, excessively protecting). The parent’s behaviour resulting from his attitude evokes reactions in the child in the form of a definite behaviour.