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2010 | 2 | 277-289

Article title

Eine Siedlung der römischen Kaiserzeit in Pakoszówka, Gde. Sanok, Woiw. podkarpackie, FSt. 1, im Lichte der von 2007 bis 2008 durchgeführten Ausgrabungen


Title variants

Roman Period settlement at Pakoszówka, district Sanok, site 1 in the light of excavations carried out in 2007-2008

Languages of publication



During the excavations carried out in 2007-2008 dwelling part of the site at Pakoszówka was investigated, in the zone bordering on area where the field works in 2003-2004 were conducted. Especially worth noticing are observations concerning stratigraphical relations between some features within the investigated part of the site. They remain in accordance with the relative chronology of pottery discovered within fills of the features. Oldest one are two large storage pits, dated back to the beginning of the Early Roman Period. They are cut partially by relics of an earthfast house, which yielded pottery from the end of the Early Roman Period. The youngest stage of this stratigraphical sequence is represented by the pit, which is dated to Younger Roman Period. Within the fill of the last mentioned feature besides the hand-made pottery also some fragments of wheel-made pottery as well as piece of silver mirror were found. All discovered in 2007-2008 artifacts represent Przeworsk culture, however with some traces of other cultural traditions.






Physical description




  • Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University; Gołębia St. 11, 31-007 Kraków, Poland


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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