The goal of this paper is to analyse the organizational structure of the justice system in order to provide the answer to the basic question about the possible network relations, as well as their force and their way of influence. As part of the paper, I have defined public inter-organisational court networks, dividing them into regulatory inter-organisational networks and facultative inter-organisational networks. Emphasis has also been placed on the benefits and threats of the functioning of court-based facultative inter-organisational networks. The phenomenon of forming networks within the justice system is new, and so far has not been subject of any academic enquiry. Given the benefits and background, as well as no real threats for the functioning of public court networks, it is a desired form of cooperation which enables to boost bottom-up initiative. Public court networks serve to build the organization of the justice system as a knowledge-based organisation. This paper addresses the important and topical issue of public networks - the example of inter-organizational area of justice. In the current literature, identifying the network of relations in the organization of justice has not been the subject of scientific inquiry.